About The Project

Project Description

This Detail Design and Class EA Study involves the conversion of the Highway 138 / Headline Road intersection to a single-lane roundabout (County Road 44), in the Township of South Stormont, within the United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry. The proposed roundabout is planned to provide a minor (negligable) increase in traffic capacity and will calm traffic to reduced speeds and decrease the potential and severity of collisions. A roundabout will cause a minimal widening of the intersection's footprint beyond the roadbed of the existing highway and will allow for improved traffic operations, including shorter travel times and reduced vehicle queue lengths. The purpose of the Class EA Study is to identify a Recommended Plan for improvements as part of the Ministry’s ongoing review of safety and operational needs for the provincial highway network.

The details of the proposed work will be further developed as the Detail Design progresses and will be presented to the public and agencies at a future Online Public Information Centre. Details regarding the timing of the future PIC will be provided once available.

Project Background

In 2017, the MTO completed the Preliminary Design and EA Study for operational and safety improvements for approximately 35 km of Highway 138 between Highway 401 and Highway 417 in the City of Cornwall, and the Townships of North Stormont and South Stormont (GWP 4015-08-00). The Study examined intersection improvements, turning lanes, passing lanes, drainage improvements, carpool parking, corridor access and entrance improvements, and snowdrift mitigation. The Preliminary Design and EA Study was carried out in accordance with the approved environmental planning process for Group B Projects under the MTO Class Environmental Assessment for Provincial Transportation Facilities (2000) and was documented in a Transportation Environmental Study Report (TESR, dated June 2017). The TESR received environmental clearance in June 2017. The TESR included a description of the project and its purpose; the existing natural, social, economic, and cultural environmental factors; analysis and evaluation of alternatives that were considered; consultation processes; documentation of the Recommended Plan; anticipated environmental effects and proposed mitigation measures; and commitments to future work and monitoring.

The Preliminary Design and EA Study is available here Documentation.

Contact the Project Team if you wish to submit questions or comments.



The Design and Construction Report will be available on the Documentation page from December 18, 2023 to January 26, 2024.