About The Study

The Preliminary Design and Environmental Assessment (EA) Study was carried out in accordance with the approved environmental planning process for Group B Projects under the MTO Class Environmental Assessment for Provincial Transportation Facilities (2000) and was documented in a Transportation Environmental Study Report (TESR) which received environmental clearance in June 2017. The TESR includes a description of the project and its purpose; the existing natural, social, economic, and cultural environmental factors; analysis and evaluation of alternatives that were considered; consultation processes; documentation of the Recommended Plan; anticipated environmental effects and proposed mitigation measures; and commitments to future work and monitoring.

Upon completion of this current Class EA Study, a Design and Construction Report (DCR) will be prepared to document the following:

  • Study objectives;
  • Consultation with external stakeholders, the public and Indigenous communities;
  • Updates to the existing environmental conditions documented in the Preliminary Design, as required, and a summary of additional Detail Design investigations undertaken;
  • Proposed modifications to the Recommended Plan documented in the Preliminary Design;
  • A description of the Detail Design Recommended Plan, including highway and structural design, landscaping, and implementation
  • A description of the environmental impacts and associated mitigation measures;
  • A Summary of Environmental Concerns and Commitments;
  • Identification of all project approvals, licences and permits which have been or must be obtained; and
  • Further commitments to be addressed during construction.

The DCR will be placed on the Public Record for a minimum comment period of 30 calendar days to provide the opportunity for stakeholders to review and comment on the document.

Detailed information regarding the MTO Class EA and the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act (EAA) is available in Documentation.



The Design and Construction Report will be available on the Documentation page from December 18, 2023 to January 26, 2024.